R350 later and my salary bending over it's true extent and the feeling of euphoria drifting high in the air.
I am on cloud nine and even though my day was one of the worst,I would admit that me buying some random things,made me feel rather good. But,about just an hour later it hits me like a double decker bus in England trafic.
Shoping does indeed replace the emotional pain u may experience...never mind what Oprah or Dr.Phil says. It does help. For one moment you can loose yourself,just like that scene in "Under The Tuscan Sun" where the actress portrays her legendary performance of La Dolce Vita in the Tuscan fountain. For me,being a guy and all,doing shoping is the best therepy than playing rugby and breaking ur leg,or chasing up a highway with a car and slaming into a lampost. I get to find myself some pretty decent stuff and have fun at the same time, even if it is for a few moments. The paper money flowing from my hands, the swipe of the plastic debit card through the machine, the pen in my warm palm signing away. It's a theraputic rythm that beats through store upon store I visit. So...
R350 later I lay now in my bed,yet again thinking of all my shit. So...
Today is stil laying ahead...and there are way load more stuff to be bought.
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