My best friend is probably the one whom I always take for granted. It's a sad fact, but I do believe we share a special bond.
On my seventh birthday I got my friend - Juba. He was in a box and my mom called me to my room. I thought it must be some new clothes and I tugged on the box. When it opened out jumped this tiny puppy. I was momentarily shocked and didn't comprehend that there was a puppy in the box. Juba instantly knew where to jump too - in my arms and welcomed me into his life.
My parent's must have had faith in me that I could look after him - I did for a while, but after that I kinda neglected him.
After the departure of the monster dog my brother bought to us one day, Juba was allowed back into our house. My mom couldn't handle the two dogs in home at the same time, and banned them both to the back yard. I wasn't pleased with this - my dog was not one to live outside in a kennel. But, notheless. He survived and was allowed back into the house.
He then grew on my dad again. My dad and Juba grew a bond that is very unbreakable now. Juba and I were like two little brothers. Fighting and playing.
The years have walked on with us, and so with Juba. He is no longer the spring chicken he was a few years ago. He is now blind in both eyes, deaf and had a stroke a few weeks ago. I want to cry when I think of it. We all don't want him to suffer - but we all can't get it over ourselves to put him to sleep.
Juba has been the only one to greet me with a smile when I get home, to cuddle with me when I am sick, to sit with me when I was in trouble and try and bite my mom if she tried spanking me. He was my guardian angel in a way - the friend I wouldn't ever give up.
Last year, I lost quite a few people in my life. Nobody died, but everyone left. I had to deal with that pain on it's own. The fear of Juba leaving me is the thing that is gnawing away slowly on me. I can tell my friends, I will be fine, but I know I will crack sooner or later. It might seem stupid - he was only a dog. But no. He was a friend. One that many people can learn from.
For now, Juba is enjoying his "retirement" and I make a point of it of greeting him every time I leave.
To the best "friends" out there - a big applause for being there.
It was the great author, Edith Wharton who said: "My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet."
This is a really touching piece. I don't have a love for dogs, but I can see why so many other people do.