Monday, January 17, 2011

Wedding bells...

Okay. Let me first state that I still have a couple of years to go, but this entry to my blog is just some personal debate I had with myself about weddings.

The veil. The bouquet. The doves. The confetti. I do love an occasional wedding, even if it is watching The Style Network to feast my hunger on some poor girl's best day for the rest of her life. I think it must be the majestic power of a wedding that draws me towards it.

This can also be a possible explanation for me digging up my parent's wedding photo's every now and then. I know they do fight a lot now and then and it's not like it was 30 odd years ago, but I love the expressions and the whole drawn-togetherness of the crowd.

I just hate it that I sometimes don't believe in marriage as an answer to everything. I want to be the guy who believes in that, but life has proven me otherwise.

Let's check the divorce rate. Last year a staggering 167 000 people got married in South Africa alone. Out of those couples one out of five couples ended up in the divorce court.

Unplanned pregnancy. Let's get married.

We have been together so long. Next logical step?

Just on one of my little trips on Facebook, I went through an old friend of mine's photo's. I came upon a wedding she went to. I immediately feasted myself on the intricate details. Making note and criticizing every possible detail. Until I noticed something.

Weddings these days are so based upon costs and money and time that the really necessary stuff is cut on. I mean. It is the day of your life that you are never going to be able to do-over and you want to just keep cutting on costs, and try and get married as soon as possible. Most weddings take this form these days. It's like the couple want's to get it over and done with. Like serious now. I mean. It is the day you get joined by a sacred bond of union and you want to have paper roses instead of roses grown in a pristine garden somewhere along the West Coast. OH! You want to compromise on the wedding dress to buy and expensive entrĂ©e meal for one guest. FFS! No invitations? What is this? A paperless world?

There is this thing called, saving up. And whilst you save up - get to know your partner a lil bit more. You are going to have death do you part, if not a paper stating you are divorced.

This whole debate could seem totally stupid, but if you get what I am saying, then all is well ;-)

Maybe I should become a wedding planner...

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